PhD students 3rd cohort

Dr. Evgenii Matveev (Post-Doc since 05/2023)
Curriculum Vitae
1999–2004 Diploma studies, Saint Petersburg State University, specialization: Russian language and literature
2004–2007 Doctoral studies, Saint Petersburg State University, specialization: Russian literature
2007 PhD, Saint Petersburg State University. Thesis topic: "Russian oratory prose of the middle of the 18th century (eulogy in secular and spiritual literature)".
2008–2016 Lecturer at the Department of History of Russian Literature, Saint Petersburg State University
2016–2022 Assistant Professor at the Department of History of Russian Literature, Saint Petersburg State University
- Lectures and seminars: "History of Russian Literature of the 18th Century", "History of Old Russian Literature", "History of Russian Literature of the First Half of the 19th Century", "Literary Theory: Rhetoric", "Poetics and Stylistics"
- Co-leader of the regular seminar "Russian 18th century" (
- Head of the section "Literary Culture of Russia of the 18th Century" on International Philological Conferences at Saint Petersburg State University (2007−2022)
- Editor of the periodical anthology "Literary culture of Russia of the 18th Century" (2007−2019)
- Member of the organizing committee of several international conferences
2008–2022 Research fellow (part-time), Department "Mikhail Lomonosov Dictionary", Institute for Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2022–2023 Research fellow at the Institute for Slavic and Caucasus Studies at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
2023–2024 Postdoctoral research fellow at the Research Training Group "The Romantic Model"
Post-Doc Project
Apophatic rhetoric in the lyrics of Russian romanticism
The main task of the project is to describe apophatic rhetoric and analyze the functions that negations perform in the lyrics of Russian romanticism. The term "apophatic" comes back from Christian theology. However, the apophatic method of thinking and description goes beyond theology. In Russian literature, apophatic rhetoric, namely extensive series of denials in the description of a particular phenomenon, acquires special significance for the literature of romanticism. The apophatic rhetoric correlates with the core tenets of Romanticism which include the concept of dual worlds, a deep connection with religious consciousness, a dialectical understanding of the universe, the importance of meta-rationality and metaphysics, and a recognition that there are aspects of the universe that are obscure, unknowable, and defy verbalization. For the analysis of apophatic rhetoric in the poetry of Russian romanticism five poets have been chosen: Vasilij Žukovskij, Konstantin Batjuškov, Evgenij Baratynskij, Michail Lermontov and Fjodor Tjutčev. The main areas of work were the following problems: 1. Apophatic rhetoric in Russian romanticism in general and in individual poetic systems (in the lyrics of an author) in particular. 2. Apophatics as a rhetorical dominant of certain poems. 3. Apophatics in the structure of intertextual connections of Russian romantic poetry. 4. Apophatic rhetoric in translations and adaptations of European poetry.
Approbation of the project and discussion of separate problems of apophatic rhetoric in the lyrics of Russian romantics took place at colloquiums at the Institute of Slavic Studies at the University of Jena and at the Research Training Group "The Romantic Model". A workshop “Apophatic rhetoric in the works of Russian romantics, their followers and opponents” was organized (4.04 – 5.04.2024, FSU Jena, Research Training Group “The Romantic Model”) with the participation of Israeli, Polish, English and German Slavists. Based on the materials of the reports given at the workshop, a collection volume “Negation and Silence: Apophatic Rhetoric in the Works of Russian Romantic Authors, their Predecessors, Followers and Opponents” is being prepared. The collection volume is to be published at the end of 2024 or at the beginning of 2025 in the series “Opera Slavica. Neue Folge."
- Matveev, E. M. 2009. Russkaja oratorskaja prosa serediny XVIII veka (panegirik v svetskoj i duchovnoj literature) [Russian Oratorical Prose of the mid-18th Century (Panegyric in Secular and Spiritual Literature)]. Sankt-Peterburg, 140 pp.
- Matveev, E. M. 2015. Ritoričeskij analiz chudožestvennogo teksta. Učebnoje posobije [Rhetorical Analysis of Fictional Text. Textbook]. Sankt-Petersburg, 92 pp.
- Zacharova, E. A., Laletina, O. S., Matveev, E. M. (compilers); Volkov, S. S., Chvorost’janova, E. V. (ed.). 2011. Slovar’ jazyka M. V. Lomonosova. Materialy k slovarju. Vypusk 3–4. Slovar’ rifm M. V. Lomonosova [The Dictionary of the Language of M.V. Lomonosov. Dictionary Proceedings. Issues 3–4. M. V. Lomonosov's Dictionary of Rhymes]. Sankt-Peterburg, 620 pp., 1100 pp.
- Bucharkin, P. E., Volkov, S. S., Matveev, E. M. et al. 2017. Ritorika M. V. Lomonosova [M. V. Lomonosov’s Rhetorics]. Sankt-Peterburg, 632 pp. [dictionary + anthology volume]
- Volkov, S. S., Matveev, E. M., Šarichina, M. G. et al. 2022. Slovarʹ antroponimov v russkoj panegiričeskoj poèzii XVIII veka [Dictionary of Anthroponyms in Russian Panegyric Poetry of the 18th Century]. Sankt-Peterburg, 352 pp.
Edition of Anthology Volumes
- Buсharkin, P. E., Matveev, E. M. et al. (ed.). 2007–2019. Literaturnaja kulʹtura Rossii 18 veka. Vypusk 1–8 [Literary Culture of Russia in the 18th Century. Issues 1–8]. Sankt-Peterburg, 208 pp., 160 pp., 311 pp., 280 pp., 306 pp., 626 pp., 276 pp., 484 pp.
- Buсharkin, P. E., Volkov, S. S., Matveev, E. M. (ed.). 2013. Filologičeskoe nasledie M. V. Lomonosova [Philological Heritage of M. V. Lomonosov]. Sankt-Petersburg, 480 pp.
- Volkov, S. S., Matveev, E. M. et al. (ed.). 2015–2020. Materialy metajazykovogo seminara Instituta lingvističeskich issledovanij Rossijskoj akademii nauk. Vypusk 1–3 [Materials of the Metalinguistic Seminar of the Institute of Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Issues 1–3]. Sankt-Peterburg. 206 pp., 286 pp., 242 pp.
- Buсharkin, P., Jekutsch, U., Matveev, E. M. (ed.). 2018. “Blessed Heritage”: The Classical Tradition and Russian Literature (Opera Slavica. Neue Folge. Bd. 64). Wiesbaden, 367 pp.
- Grigor’evа, Е. N., Gus’kov, N. A., Karpov, N. А., Matveev, E. M. (ed.). 2021. Carpe diem: professoru Aleksandru Anatol’eviču Karpovu ko dnju semidesjatiletija [Carpe diem: to Professor Alexandr Anatoljevič Karpov on his Seventieth Birthday]. Sankt-Petersburg, 490 pp.
- Bucharkin, P. E., Volkov, S. S., Matveev, E. M. (ed.). 2023. Antroponimy v russkoj slovesnoj kulʹture XVIII veka [Anthroponyms in Russian Literary Culture of the 18th Century]. Sankt-Peterburg, 584 pp.
Selected Articles
- Matveev, E. M. 2013. Panegiričeskaja oda M. V. Lomonosova v istorii russkoj filologičeskoj mysli: problemy izučenija i metody issledovanija [M. V. Lomonosov's Panegyric Ode in the History of Russian Philological Thought: Research Problems and Methods]. In: Holtz, B., Marggraff, U. (ed.) Herrscherlob und Herrscherkritik in den slawischen Literaturen. Festschrift für Ulrike Jekutsch zum 60. Geburtstag. (Opera Slavica. Neue Folge, 55). Wiesbaden, 75–86.
- Matveev, E. M. 2017. K voprosu o biblejskich i bogoslužebnych zaimstvovanijach u Lomonosova [On the Problem of Biblical and Liturgical Citation by Michail Lomonosov]. Slověne, 1, 393–412.
- Matveev, E. M. 2017. Intertekstual’nost’ kak ritoričeskaja dominanta: stichotvorenie G. Ivanova “Svoboden put’ pod Fermopilami…” [Intertextuality as a Rhetorical Dominant: the poem "The Way is Free Under Thermopylae..." by G. Ivanov]. In: Karpov, А. А., Stepanov, А. D. (ed.). Intertekstualnyj analiz: printsypy i granitsy. Sankt-Peterburg, 228–240.
- Matveev, E. M. 2017. O nekotorych funkcijach biblejskich citat v proze M. V. Lomonosova [On Some Functions of Bible and Liturgical Citation by M. V. Lomonosov]. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 122, 376–379.
- Kareva N. V., Matveev E. M. 2017. Trojnye sonety A. A. Rževskogo i tradicija ambivalentnych stichotvorenij vo francuzskoj literature 16–18 vekov [Triple Sonnets by A. A. Rževskij and the Tradition of Ambivalent Poems in French Literature of the 16th–18th Centuries]. In: Bucharkin, P., Matveev, E., Ponomareva, M., Tiraspolʹskaja. (ed.). Literaturnaja kulʹtura Rossii XVIII veka, 7. Sankt-Peterburg, 78–98.
- Matveev, E. M. 2018. Ody V. P. Petrova and ody M. V. Lomonosova: slovesnaja i ritmiko-sintaksičeskaja formul’nost [Odes by V. P. Petrov and Odes by M. V. Lomonosov: Word and Rhythmic-syntactic Formulas]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarsvennogo universiteta. Jazyk i literatura, 15 (3), 354–366.
- Matveev, E. M. 2018. “War and Anti-war Rhetoric: A. Blok’s Poem Petrogradskoe nebo mutilos’ dozhdem…”. In: Bukharkin, P., Jekutsch, U., Matveev, E. (ed.). “Blessed Heritage”: The Classical Tradition and Russian Literature. (= Opera Slavica. Neue Folge. Vol. 64). Wiesbaden, 239–251.
- Matveev, E. M. 2018. “Slovo blagodarstvennoe na osvjaščenii Akademii chudožestv” M. V. Lomonosova i “Mednyj vsadnik” A. S. Puškina: opisanie gorodskogo prostranstva [“Word of Thanks at the Consecration of the Academy of Arts” by M. V. Lomonosov and “The Bronze Horseman” by A. S. Puškin: Description of Urban Space]. Russkaja rečʹ, 5, 3–7.
- Bucharkin, P. E., Matveev, E. M. 2020. Antroponimy v Russkoj literature XVIII veka: o nekotoroj aspektach funkcionirovanija imeni v ode i tragedii [Anthroponyms in Russian Literature of the18th Century: On Some Aspects of the Functioning of the Name in Ode and Tragedy]. Russkaja literatura, 3, 5–19.
- Matveev, E. M. 2020. Četyre slova na inavguraciju Akadenii chudožestv: M. V. Lomonosov, A. P. Sumarokov, Platon (Levšin), A. M. Saltykov [Four Words on the Inauguration of the Academy of Arts: M. V. Lomonosov, A. P. Sumarokov, Platon (Levšin), A. M. Saltykov]. In: Alekseeva, N. Ju., Kočetkova, N. D., Nikolaev, S. I. (ed.). XVIII vek, 30. Sankt-Petersburg, 147–160.
- Matveev, E. M. 2020. Naimenovanija tropov i figur reči v russkich ritorikach: M. V. Lomonosov i ego predšestvenniki [Names of Tropes and Figures of Speech in Russian Rhetoric: M. V. Lomonosov and His Predecessors]. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana, 16.2, 565–581.
- Matveev, E. M. 2021. Preromantičeskie èlementy v poèzii A. A. Rževskogo [Pre-Romantic Elements in the Poetry of A. A. Rževskij]. In: Bukharkin, P., Jekutsch, U. (ed.). Epochenumbruch? Literatur um 1800 im Russischen Reich (= Opera Slavica. Neue Folge; 68). Wiesbaden, 127–140.
- Matveev, E. M. 2023. On Bible and Liturgical Borrowings in the Odic Poetry of Mikhail V. Lomonosov and Vasilii P. Petrov. In: Baudin, R., Evstratov, A., Keenan, P., Rjéoutski, V. (ed.). Russia, Europe, and the World of the Long Eighteenth Century. Strassbourg, 2023, 253–265.
- Matveev, Е. М. 2024. Noj i Iafet v oratorskoj proze Feofana Prokopoviča i Stefana Javorskogo [Noah and Japheth in the Oratorical Prose of Feofan Prokopovič and Stefan Javorskij]. In: Mengel S., Rossi L. (ed.). Language and Education in Petrine Russia. Essays in Honour of Maria Cristina Bragone (Biblioteca di Studi Slavistici). Firenze, 2024, 207–216.
- Matveev, E. M. 2024. The Name of Lorelei in Russian Poetry. In: Gestern | Romantik | Heute. Forum für Wissenschaft und Kultur. [DOI:].
Selected Presentations at Conferences and Workshops
- Matveev, E. M. (2014). Conference “Epochenumbruch. Von der Aufklärung zur Romantik im Russischen Reich / Ot prosveščenija k romantizmu. Literatura i kulʹtura Rossijskoj imperii na rubeže 18 – 19 vv. (Greifswald, Germany, 04–07.06.2014): Preromantičeskie èlementy v poèzii A. A. Rževskogo [Pre-Romantic Elements in the Poetry of A. A. Rževskij]
- Matveev, E. M. (2014). Conference “Światło i ciemność w europejskim Oświeceniu / Svet i tʹma evropejskogo Prosveščenija” (Siedlce, Poland, 24–25.09.2014): Poèzija A. A. Rževskogo: meždu barokko i preromantizmom [Pre-Romantic Elements in the Poetry of A. A. Rzhevsky: between Baroque and Pre-Romanticism].
- Matveev, E. M. (2015). Conference “Indo-European linguistics and classical philology – 19” (Saint Petersburg, Russia, Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 22–24.06.2015): Stichotvornye primery v “Kratkom rukovodstve k krasnorečiju” M. V. Lomonosova [Poetical Illustrations in M. V. Lomonosov’s “Brief Guide to Eloquence”].
- Matveev, E. M. (2017). Conference “The literary works of Alexander Petrovič Sumarokov“ (Saint Petersburg, Russia, Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 02–03.10.2017): Četyre slova na inavguraciju Akadenii chudožestv: M. V. Lomonosov, A. P. Sumarokov, Platon (Levšin), A. M. Saltykov [Four Words on the Inauguration of the Academy of Arts: M. V. Lomonosov, A. P. Sumarokov, Platon (Levšin), A. M. Saltykov].
- Matveev, E. M. (2018). Conference “The Study Group on Eighteenth-Century Russia, Tenth International Conference“ (Strasbourg, France, Universität Straßburg, 6–11.07 2018): O biblejskich i bogoslužebnych zaimstvovanijach v poèzii M. V. Lomonosova i V. P. Petrova [On Biblical and Liturgical Borrowings in the Poetry of M. V. Lomonosov and V. P. Petrov].
- Matveev, E. M. (2019). Conference “The 9th Roman Cyril and Methodius Readings” (Rome – Salerno, Italien, 04–09.02.2019): Biblejskie i bogoslužebnye zaimstvovanija v odičeskoj poèzii M. V. Lomonosova i V. P. Petrova [Biblical and Liturgical Borrowings in the Odic Poetry of M. V. Lomonosov and V. P. Petrov].
- Matveev, E. M., Kareva, N. V. (2020). Conference “The 10th Roman Cyril and Methodius Readings” (Rome – Pisa, Italien, 02–09.02.2020): Naimenovanija tropov i figur reči v filologičeskich trudach Lomonosova i ego predšestvennikov [Terms of Tropes and Figures of speech in Russian Rhetorical Treaties: M. V. Lomonosov and his Predecessors].
- Matveev, E. M. (2021). Conference “The 11th Roman Cyril and Methodius Readings” (online, 01–05.02.2021): Mašina vremeni os’mnascatogo stoletija: putešestvie v antičnost’ i obratno [The Eighteenth Century Time Machine: A Journey To and From Antiquity].
- Matveev, E. M., Smirnova A. S. (2021). Conference “Indo-European linguistics and classical philology – 25” (Saint Petersburg, Russia, Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 21–23.06.2021): Soimennje personaži v “Ritorike” M. V. Lomonosova: predšestvujuščaja ritoričeskaja tradicyja i poėtičeskaja praktika vtoroj poloviny XVIII veka” [Characters of the Same Name in M. Lomonosov’s “Brief Guide to Eloquence”: the Foregoing Rhetorical Tradition and the Poetical Practice in the 2nd part of the 18th century].
- Matveev, E. M. (2022). “The 40th International Philological Conference” (Saint Petersburg State University, online, 15–23.03.2022): Apofatičeskaja poètika G. R. Deržavina [Apophatic Poetics of G. R. Derzhavin].
- Matveev, E. M. (2022). Conference “The 12th Roman Cyril and Methodius Readings” (online, 31.01–04.02.2022): Biblejskie imena v russkoj panegiričeskoj poèzii 18 veka [Biblical Names in Russian Panegyric Poetry of the 18th Century].
- Matveev, E. M. (2023). Workshop of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg project “Warmongering and (Potentially) Peacemaking Narratives of the National” (23.03.2023): The Concept of Holy War in Russian Literature of the 18-20th Centuries.
- Matveev, E. M. (2023). Kolloquium des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs “Model Romantik”, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (27.04.2023): Apophatic Rhetoric in the Lyrics of Russian romanticism.
- Matveev, E. M. (2023). Workshop of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg project “Warmongering and (Potentially) Peacemaking Narratives of the National” (12.07.2023): Russia's war against Ukraine as a holy war.
- Matveev, E. M. (2023). Conference “The 13th Roman Cyril and Methodius Readings” (online, 04.09–08.09.2023): Apofatičeskaja ritorika v lirike russkogo predromantizma i romantizma: Deržavin, Žukovskij, Lermontov [Apophatic rhetoric in the lyrics of Russian pre-romanticism and romanticism: Deržavin, Žukovskij, Lermontov]
- Matveev, E. M. (2023). Russian Literature Seminar of Slavic Studies, Sorbonne University (online, 16.10.2023): Diskurs “svjaščennoj vojny“ v Rossii: istorija i sovremennostʹ [The Discourse on the "Holy War" in Russia: the Past and the Present].
- Matveev, E. M. (2023). Kolloquium of the DFG Research Training Group "The Romantic Model", Friedrich Schiller University Jena (16.11.2023): Apophatic rhetoric in the lyrics of Michail Lermontov
- Matveev, E. M. (2023). Workshop of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg project “Warmongering and (Potentially) Peacemaking Narratives of the National” (07.12.2023): The Discourse on the "Holy War" in Russia: the Past and the Present.
- Matveev, E. M. (2024). Workshop “Apophatic Rhetoric in the Works of Russian Romantics, their Successors and Opponents”, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, DFG Research Training Group "The Romantic Model" (04.-05.04.2024): Apofatičeskaja ritorika v lirike russkogo romantizma [Apophatic Rhetoric in the Poetry of Russian Romanticism].
- Matveev, E. M. (2024). Conference “The 13th Roman Cyril and Methodius Readings” (online, 28.–30.05, 03.–04.2024): Imja Ekateriny II v russkoj panegiričeskoj poèzii XVIII veka i ego sakralizacija [The Name of Catherine II in the Russian Panegyric of the 18th century and its Sacralization]
Invited Lectures at German Universities
- University of Jena, 13.12.2017: Ritoričeskie strategii v rasskaze M. Zoščenko “Papaša“ [Rhetorical Strategies in the Short Story “Father“ by M. Zoščenko].
- University of Greifswald, 15.12.2017: Oratorskaja proza A. P. Sumarokova [Oratorical Prose of A. P. Sumarokov].
- University of Hamburg, 08.05.2018: Klassičeskaja ritorika i russkaja oratorskaja proza XVIII veka (M. V. Lomonosov i A. P. Sumarokov) [Classical Rhetoric and Russian Oratorical Prose of the 18th Century (M. V. Lomonosov and A. P. Sumarokov)].
- University of Hamburg, 09.05.2018: Ritorika v postritoričeskoj slovesnosti: ritoričeskie strategii V. Majakovskogo i A. Bloka (na primere stichotvorenij “Adišče goroda“ i “Petrogradskoe nebo mutilos’ doždёm…“) [Rhetoric in Post-rhetorical Literature: Rhetorical Strategies of V. Majakovskij and A. Blok (Based on the Poems "The City's Colossal Hell" and "The Sky of Petrograd Muddied with Rain...")].
- University of Greifswald, 26.10.2016: Ritoričeskaja struktura stichotvorenija G. Ivanova “Svoboden put’ pod Fermopilami…“ [Rhetorical Structure of the Poem „The Way is Free Under Thermopylae...” by G. Ivanov].
- University of Greifswald, 04.12.2018: Cerkovnyj kontekst russkoj toržestvennoj ody XVIII veka (na materiale od M. V. Lomonosova i V. P. Petrova) [The Church Context of Russian Solemn Odes of the 18th Century (Based on the Odes of M. V. Lomonosov and V. P. Petrov)].
- University of Halle-Wittenberg, 20.04.2023: Interteksualnye svyazi v russkoj poėzii XVIII veka (na primere od M. V. Lomonosova i V. P. Petrova) [Intertextual Connections in the 18th Century Russian Poetry (Based on the Odes of M. V. Lomonosov and V. P. Petrov)]