Kollegiat:innen 3. Kohorte

Antonio Esposito, M.A.
Curriculum Vitae
09/2014 - 07/2020 Master of Science in Architecture at “Sapienza” University of Rome
10/2017 - 08/2018 Erasmus Program at Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen – Faculty of Architecture.
02/2019 - 07/2019 Assistant to the Professor in the Course Design Lab I at “Sapienza” University of Rome
09/2019 - 12/2020 Assistant to the Professor in the Courses of Architectural Survey at “Sapienza” University of Rome
11/2019 Architectural Survey Experience in Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore
11/2020 Architectural Survey Experience in Piazze di Roma: Piazza Capranica, Piazza della Rotonda, Piazza Rondanini, Piazza di Pietra, Piazza della Maddalena e Piazza della Minerva
02/2021 - 02/2022 Professional Technical Consultant at Aubay Italia – FTTH Designer at Fibercop
Seit 03/2022 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at Graduiertenkolleg „Modell Romantik“
Digital Technologies in the Analysis of Romantic Paintings
The proposed research project is based on the development of a new methodology for the analysis of German Romantic paintings, which considers the use of digital methodologies as a response to the analogical study of paintings carried out so far by art history research. The proposed path is not limited to retracing the steps related to a traditional analysis of the painting with digital methods, but tries to integrate within the analysis of the work also the aspects related to the perception of pictorial space by the observer, involving in this way also the psychological and perceptive sphere. The proposed methodology is based on the search for both intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics of the pictorial representation that we will define as "freedom degrees", which significantly guide the observer in his perception of the painting and structure a critical thought about it. Clearly, this type of path necessarily requires a practical example to show how these "freedom degrees" influence the perception of the pictorial representation. In order to verify the digital analytical methodology, a web portal is set up where the observer can assess the impact of the modification of the features related to the "freedom degrees" on the perception of the painting. The analysis using digital technologies is not intended to contradict the study of Romanticism in art history to date. On the contrary, it aims to give a completely different interpretation by emphasising the experience and perception of the work of art.
- "L'analisi del patrimonio nascosto di Jahu (SP-Brasile) - The Analysis of the hidden heritage of Jahu" - Ippolito A.,Bianchini C., Inglese C., Attenni M. Barni R., Esposito A., Palmadessa C.| Paesaggio Urbano - Urban Design 2021_2, pp. 65 - 73, Maggioli Editore. 2021
- A. Ippolito, M. Attenni, A. Esposito, 2021. Documentazione e comunicazione di un patrimonio architettonico sovrascritto: il caso di Jahu . In Enrico Cicalò, Valeria Menchetelli, Michele Valentino (a cura di) Linguaggi Grafici. MAPPE. Alghero: PUBLICA, pp. 1442-1461, ISBN 9788899586201